Hairball Audio Elements Copper mic pre

Hairball Audio Elements Copper mic pre
Hairball Audio Elements Copper mic pre
Hairball Audio Elements Copper mic pre
Hairball Audio Elements Copper mic pre
Hairball Audio Elements Copper mic pre

Hairball Audio Elements Copper mic pre

Hairball Audio Elements Copper mic pre in good working order and good cosmetic condition. I bought and built this mic pre in 2015, where I mainly used it on guitars and snare drum. It's a phenomenal mic pre that sounded very different to the other mic pres I owned at the time (Great River, A-Designs Pacifica, Warm Audio), and it certainly has a "vibe" to it. If you want a mic pre that adds a lot of colour to the signal, then this mic pre is for you. Reason for sale is that I have downsized quite considerably in recent years, and only do occasional smaller scale projects these days with an Audient ID14 and ASP008, so this is just sitting around not getting used.

Hairball Audio Elements Copper mic pre

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